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Clip the tie wraps that hold the wire harness together.
Use needle nose pliers to remove the two motor connectors from the Main Circuit Board as indicated here. Pull only on the connectors themselves- do not pull on the wires! Wiggling them a bit will help loosen them.
This view of the Main Circuit Board shows the location of the two motor wires.
Remove the 4 Phillips head screws indicated in this diagram. Support the motor as you do this. It is heavy! Do not let if fall!
Remove the drip guard over the solenoid if so equipped.
Move the motor off to the side and remove the one Phillips head screw holding the motor capacitor in place. The motor assembly can now be removed from the machine. If this motor is to be reused, take care to not scrape or damage the insulation of the wires.
To reinstall the Drum Motor
- First attach the capacitor using the original screw being sure not to pinch any wires as you tighten the screw.
- Attach the drip guard (if the machine was equipped with same)
- Locate the motor assembly on the roaster, being sure that all the wires are correctly routed and there are no wires pinched beneath the motor's mounting plate
- Loosely install all four screws making sure the lock washers are in place before tightening them.
Re-attach the two wires to the main circuit board. Group the wires together and replace the two tie wraps to hold them in place. Do not over-tighten the tie wraps. Snip off the wraps' excess.
With the machine reassembled IT IS CRITICAL to follow our drum alignment instructions to verify that the drum is properly aligned in the roast chamber. Failure to do so may result in a damaged drum motor! Damage thus caused is not covered by our warranty.